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Week 3 to Black Friday: Your Website’s Dress Rehearsal – No Tripping Allowed!


Tick-tock goes the Black Friday countdown clock, and here you are, about to shove your website onto the stage for its big number. Let’s be honest, right now, it’s less ‘Swan Lake’ and more ‘toddler-in-a-tutu’. Time for a digital dress rehearsal to make sure your site doesn’t faceplant in the first act.

Stress Test: Brace for the Clickpocalypse

First up, the stress test—because nothing screams ‘holiday spirit’ like a website crash under the hooves of a thousand eager deal-hunters. Let’s crank those virtual customer numbers up and see if your site has what it takes or if it goes ‘Nope, I’m out!’ Spoiler: It’s better to cry over spilled traffic now than on the big day.

Speed Audit: Race Against the Boredom Clock

Page loading times are like microwaving food—take too long, and everyone’s lost their appetite. Audit those speeds before your customers decide they’d rather watch paint dry. Compress those images until they’re gasping for pixels and cache like a squirrel with a nut obsession. Make it fast, or watch your customers bounce faster than a rubber ball in a wind tunnel.

If you are on Shopify, we have a full article on Shopify website speed here

UI/UX Finesse: Because Ugly Websites Don’t Sell

Your user interface is like a storefront. If it looks like a hot mess, no one’s coming in. Tidy up those menus, streamline that checkout process, and for heaven’s sake, make sure it’s as mobile-friendly as a social butterfly—because nobody’s squinting at their phone to shop.

Content Check: Wave That Clickbait Goodbye

Let’s look over your content. Are your product descriptions more boring than a dentist’s waiting room? Do your banners scream ‘discount’ or ‘desperate’? Pepper in some wit, throw in some charm, and make those deals irresistible. Your content should be luring customers, not putting them to sleep.

Security Seal: Don’t Be a Hacker’s Playground

Ramp up security because nothing says ‘Happy Holidays’ like a data breach. Refresh those SSL certificates, double-check those payment gateways, and make trust your top stocking stuffer this year.

Checkout Chorus: Singing the Praises of Simplicity

Last but not least, let’s give that checkout process a tune-up. It should be smoother than a silk sheet on a freshly waxed floor. Chuck the unnecessary steps, multiply payment options, and let the smooth transaction serenade your customers all the way to order confirmation.


So, the spotlight’s on you and your e-commerce stage. Make sure your site’s performance is less ‘high school musical disaster’ and more ‘Broadway star’. We’ll catch up next week when we dive into the marketing melee—because if you think you’re ready, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

Final Curtain Call:

Curtains up! It’s showtime for your site, and the crowd is en route, credit cards at the ready. Don’t let this be a one-act tragedy. Rehearse until your site’s ready for a standing ovation—just remember, no tripping.

Stay tuned, the intermission’s over next week when we roll out the red carpet for your marketing strategy. It’s going to be epic… or at least, not a total facepalm.




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